Tortured by a Bra Masturbator: Story of Evelyn Smith

The Criminal Street
5 min readAug 23, 2023


Bra Masturbator Evelyn Smith Story
Bruised Bra by Portia Munson | Source: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Evelyn Smith received a call for her participation in the customer satisfaction survey for women’s bras to assess their durability, washability, comfort, and fit. But when she rebuffed her decision, the caller said,

“Did you think that I am going to come over and bite off your tit?”

What happened next was just weeks and months of embarrassment and mental torture.

The Story.

Evelyn Smith, a twenty-nine-year-old wife and mother of two children lived in the midsized New England community. Living a simple life unlike every other, one day, she received a call from a man claiming to be a bra manufacturer. The caller said that they had launched a new line of women’s undergarments, which they were marketing in the region. Hence, he is offering Mrs. Smith six free bras to know her review regarding durability, washability, comfort, and fit. As Evelyn heard about it, she agreed, but the moment she revealed her bra size, she would regret it in the long run.

Since the caller didn’t say much about it, Evelyn hung up the call after the phone call and forgot the conversation. But in six weeks, she received the buzz again, which said that he had her bras and wished to bring them over, but this time, Evelyn stalled him by giving excuses. After two days, when Evelyn received the call again, she informed him that she didn’t want to participate in the project further. And as she said this, the man asked what she was afraid of and asked her whether she think that he was going to come over and bite off her tit. Listening to these absurd works, shockingly, Evelyn hung up.

A short time later, the phone rang again, saying,

“It’s a good day for a top-down. How about I come over and take yours down?”

Again, Evelyn hung up.

Two Months Later…

Weeks after Evelyn forgot the preposterous conversations, but this time, she received a mail with four crude cartoons depicting her likeness in various degrading positions. There is one scene, which shows a female figure bound and gagged as a masked male figure undresses and rapes her. In the accompanying text, Mrs. Smith’s bra size is listed along with several slang expressions for breasts. Another drawing showed a man holding a knife to a woman’s neck while tearing her bra off with his other hand.

Frightened for her safety, Mrs Smith then went to the local police, and they took the complaint very seriously. The telephone trapped all her phones, but they were unable to pinpoint the call, and the victim’s attempts at tape recordings were not at all successful. But this was not any anonymous tormentor as he called once to say that he knew a brown unmarked police standing outside her residence- which was true. During this call, he also gave an ultimatum that if she didn’t meet her wish, he would come to her place. In exact words, he said,

“If you don’t meet me voluntarily, I’ll have to force you, but then it wouldn’t be as enjoyable for both of us. I don’t want to use force, but I will if I have to.”

Now, after this dreadful phone call, the situation escalated. A few days later, a second envelope arrived in the mail, which contained four more violent cartoons, explicitly showing forced abduction, sexual bondage, and rape. But this ended after five months. There were no phone calls, no parcels, and nothing.

But just when Evelyn thought it came to rest, he called again, and Mrs. Smith finally got his voice on tape.

“Remember our last conversation? I gave you a choice. You can meet me voluntarily, or I can do it the hard way.”

Now, after consultations with detectives and police, she agreed to meet him, hoping to get him into a lure, but even after waiting for forty-five, UNSUB failed to make any contact. Later that afternoon, he called again, saying that he watched her in the parking lot speaking with three men, who were police officers. Then, he said that if she placed her two bras in a paper bag and dropped them into a Salvation Army clothing bin, he would leave her alone. She did the same but told the police about it so that they could trap him easily. However, even after residing there for two whole days and nights, he didn’t show up. Believing that the subject didn’t land to retrieve the bras when police went to the bin to discover them, they found that they were gone as the container had a trapdoor on the back side and that the offender might have crawled through the vacant to get its prize- Mrs. Smith two bras.

As a month passed, one day, Mrs Smith received another parcel, which had several more bras, including portions of two she had left in the bin. There was a cup having the text,

“I want to suck your stiff nipples,”

Another cup has a text,

“I loved stripping you in my mind, next in person!”

One of the shocking things, besides these grotesque texts, were semen stains discolored in the fabrics of the bras. As well, several detective magazines showed a man holding a knife to a woman’s throat on the cover. Her bra is slipping from her breasts, where the man is “me” and the female is “Evelyn.” And lastly, there was a note saying,

“You’re lucky I didn’t go through with my plans for you, Evelyn. I had everything all set. I had a reservation made in your husband’s name, I had tape to tie your hands with, and a Polaroid to take pictures of you tied up and naked. I’m not sure why I let you off this time- maybe next time I won’t. My plans were perfect, had I decided to go through with them, you would have been completely at my mercy. You still are.”

And accompanying them, there were several Polaroid pictures of the man, nude except for a ski mask.

The Investigation and Final Moments.

As Evelyn got the Polaroids, police now had a solid lead as the subject might have stayed in a motel, and they began searching them through the background. And finally, they got an exact match. The suspect was proved to be Andrew Johnstone- a businessman in his early thirties with no criminal background.

It was pretty clear that Johnstone had the relational component of Hunter-Prey, as he exhibited multiple paraphilias or sexually deviant behaviors. He also had a sexual fixation on breasts with the collection of bras as he masturbated onto them. Now, in technical terms, this aberrant attraction to a single body part is called partialism, which is an old term. In his sex life, Johnstone often incorporated bras into his voyeurism pleasure, perhaps asking partners to model them.

There was an obvious point that there was less case information to infer Johnstone as an ideal type of victim, but the kind of embarrassment and fear Mrs Smith had in the months was unbelievable. The tormentor through cartoons, depicting forced abduction, sexual bondage, and rape, showed his behavior of sexual sadism. The only thing was that Johnstone was not ready to act, which became a plus point in the life of Evelyn.


Dark Dreams: A Legendary FBI Profiler Examines Homicide and the Criminal Mind by Roy Hazelwood, Stephen G. Michaud



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